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The following rules and regulations have been adopted for the mutual protection and benefit of the lot holder, visitor, and Glenwood Cemetery Association. All lot holders and visitors within the cemeteries as well as all lots assigned to individuals shall be subject to these rules and regulations. Amendments and alterations shall be adopted as needed by the cemetery trustees.

Lots & Burials


  • A lot in the cemetery is defined as a burial site which may include one or more graves. The number of graves that may be purchased is limited to 8 per individual unless approved by the cemetery board.

  • When purchasing a lot, you are purchasing an easement, or the permission for burials in said lot. The individual who pays for the lot will receive said easement to the that lot unless the Cemetery Sexton is instructed otherwise.

  • If a burial lot is needed immediately for a funeral, the following applies:

    • Full payment of the lot will be due within one year of the purchase of the lot.​

    • Payments may be made by installments over the course of the year after purchase of the lot ($100 minimum).

    • No monuments, grass markers, or corner posts are to be installed until the lot is paid in full.

    • No additional burials are to take place until the lot is paid in full.

    • Any price increase on cemetery lots that occurs from time of purchase until the lot is paid in full will be added to the total cost.

    • In the event that the lot is not paid in full within a year, an interest of 10% will be added to the balance due per year and compounded annually.​

  • If a burial lot is not needed immediately (planning for future use), the following applies:

    • A deposit of 25% will be required at the time of purchase.​

    • Full payment for lot(s) will be due within 60 days of purchase.

    • No monuments, grass markers, or corner posts are to be installed until the lot is paid in full.

    • If the lot is not paid in full within 60 days, and no burials have taken place, ownership and rights to resell will be taken back by the cemetery. In the event a burial has taken place, the policy for "needed immediately" will be activated.

  • Buy-Back Policy: If a lot has been purchased but is no longer wanted, the Glenwood Cemetery may buy the lot back at the original price. The lot may not be sold to a third party.

  • Rates include Perpetual Care which is defined as upkeep of lots to include mowing, trimming, reseeding as needed, repair of sunken graves and monuments.

  • All interments of human remains will require a cement vault with the exception of cremains.

  • Burials of animals or pets are prohibited.

  • Weekday burials will not take place after 1:00pm.

  • Saturday burials will not take place after 12:00pm.

    • Fee increased for Saturdays.​

  • No burials will take place on Sunday. No exceptions.

  • All burials must be done by cemetery personnel.


Monuments & Markers


  • Only monuments, grass markers, and corner posts are permitted in the cemetery.

  • Stone borders of any kind are not permitted.

  • All monuments must be pre-approved by the cemetery.

  • All monuments must have a concrete foundation and must be installed by the cemetery staff only.

  • Government issued military markers must be installed by the cemetery staff only.

  • A two-grave lot is required for the placement of a monument with the exception of a "slant" on a single grave lot and any monument that will fit in cremation section lots.



Decorations of Lots


  • In the interest of the aesthetic and maintenance of the cemetery, only 5 decorations will be allowed per lot.

    • Decorations may include flowers, shepherd's hooks, LED lighting, and items placed on the monument.​

  • No lot will have fencing, curbing, or borders of any kind.

  • No more than 1 flag per veteran marker.

  • No more than 1 floral arrangement per grave with the exception of Memorial Day and post burial services.

  • Summer floral arrangements must be removed by October 15th.

  • Winter arrangements/decorations must be removed by April 15th.

  • Trees and shrubs may be planted after consulting with the Sexton.

  • Lilac and rose bushes are prohibited.

  • All other plantings are to be kept within the confines of the top of the lot by the headstone.

  • Existing plants may be removed by the cemetery staff if deemed unsightly or inconvenient for the care of the lot.

  • The cemetery staff assumes no responsibility for the upkeep/care of flowers, decorations, etc... of any kind.

  • Neither the Cemetery trustees nor the Cemetery Staff shall be held legally or financially responsible for any items.


Conduct Within The Cemetery


  • The Cemetery Board will take reasonable precautions to protect gravesites against loss or damage but disclaims any and all responsibility for loss or damage caused beyond its control by outside sources of vandalism. Homeowners insurance policies may cover any damage that might occur.

  • The cemetery is open only during daylight hours.

  • Visitors within the cemetery shall use only the avenues, roads and walks, unless it is necessary to walk on the grass to gain access to one's lot.

  • Idling, loitering, playing, or any boisterous demonstrations within the cemetery are prohibited.

  • No driving or parking on the grass, please keep vehicles on the asphalt or gravel roads.

  • Throwing rubbish on roads, driveways, paths, walks, or any part of the grounds of the cemetery is prohibited.

  • Dogs, leashed or unleashed, are not permitted in the cemetery.

  • Horses, bicycles, snow machines, ATVs, cross-country skiing and rollerblading are not permitted in the cemetery.

  • No person shall pick or mutilate any flowers, either wild or domestic, or disturb any tree, shrub, or other plant material other than on a lot owned by that person or with the express permission of the lot owner. This also applies to monument decorations.

  • No firearms shall be permitted within the cemetery except at a military funeral.

  • Alcoholic beverages are not permitted except in connection with funeral services.

  • No person shall injure or deface any monument, stone, fence, or any other property within the cemetery.

  • The Trustees of the Glenwood Cemetery have the final authority pertaining to ALL matters and aspects regarding the cemetery.




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